
populate_options ( $options = array() )
  • (array) $options Optional. Custom option $key => $value pairs to use. Default empty array.
    Default: array()

populate_options: 这个函数用来用指定的选项来填充选项表。它接受一个参数,一个代表要填充的选项的键/值对数组。


function populate_options( array $options = array() ) {
	global $wpdb, $wp_db_version, $wp_current_db_version;

	$guessurl = wp_guess_url();
	 * Fires before creating WordPress options and populating their default values.
	 * @since 2.6.0
	do_action( 'populate_options' );

	// If WP_DEFAULT_THEME doesn't exist, fall back to the latest core default theme.
	$stylesheet = WP_DEFAULT_THEME;
	$template   = WP_DEFAULT_THEME;
	$theme      = wp_get_theme( WP_DEFAULT_THEME );
	if ( ! $theme->exists() ) {
		$theme = WP_Theme::get_core_default_theme();

	// If we can't find a core default theme, WP_DEFAULT_THEME is the best we can do.
	if ( $theme ) {
		$stylesheet = $theme->get_stylesheet();
		$template   = $theme->get_template();

	$timezone_string = '';
	$gmt_offset      = 0;
	 * translators: default GMT offset or timezone string. Must be either a valid offset (-12 to 14)
	 * or a valid timezone string (America/New_York). See https://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
	 * for all timezone strings currently supported by PHP.
	 * Important: When a previous timezone string, like `Europe/Kiev`, has been superseded by an
	 * updated one, like `Europe/Kyiv`, as a rule of thumb, the **old** timezone name should be used
	 * in the "translation" to allow for the default timezone setting to be PHP cross-version compatible,
	 * as old timezone names will be recognized in new PHP versions, while new timezone names cannot
	 * be recognized in old PHP versions.
	 * To verify which timezone strings are available in the _oldest_ PHP version supported, you can
	 * use https://3v4l.org/6YQAt#v5.6.20 and replace the "BR" (Brazil) in the code line with the
	 * country code for which you want to look up the supported timezone names.
	$offset_or_tz = _x( '0', 'default GMT offset or timezone string' );
	if ( is_numeric( $offset_or_tz ) ) {
		$gmt_offset = $offset_or_tz;
	} elseif ( $offset_or_tz && in_array( $offset_or_tz, timezone_identifiers_list( DateTimeZone::ALL_WITH_BC ), true ) ) {
		$timezone_string = $offset_or_tz;

	$defaults = array(
		'siteurl'                         => $guessurl,
		'home'                            => $guessurl,
		'blogname'                        => __( 'My Site' ),
		'blogdescription'                 => '',
		'users_can_register'              => 0,
		'admin_email'                     => 'you@example.com',
		/* translators: Default start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday. */
		'start_of_week'                   => _x( '1', 'start of week' ),
		'use_balanceTags'                 => 0,
		'use_smilies'                     => 1,
		'require_name_email'              => 1,
		'comments_notify'                 => 1,
		'posts_per_rss'                   => 10,
		'rss_use_excerpt'                 => 0,
		'mailserver_url'                  => 'mail.example.com',
		'mailserver_login'                => 'login@example.com',
		'mailserver_pass'                 => 'password',
		'mailserver_port'                 => 110,
		'default_category'                => 1,
		'default_comment_status'          => 'open',
		'default_ping_status'             => 'open',
		'default_pingback_flag'           => 1,
		'posts_per_page'                  => 10,
		/* translators: Default date format, see https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
		'date_format'                     => __( 'F j, Y' ),
		/* translators: Default time format, see https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
		'time_format'                     => __( 'g:i a' ),
		/* translators: Links last updated date format, see https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
		'links_updated_date_format'       => __( 'F j, Y g:i a' ),
		'comment_moderation'              => 0,
		'moderation_notify'               => 1,
		'permalink_structure'             => '',
		'rewrite_rules'                   => '',
		'hack_file'                       => 0,
		'blog_charset'                    => 'UTF-8',
		'moderation_keys'                 => '',
		'active_plugins'                  => array(),
		'category_base'                   => '',
		'ping_sites'                      => 'http://rpc.pingomatic.com/',
		'comment_max_links'               => 2,
		'gmt_offset'                      => $gmt_offset,

		// 1.5.0
		'default_email_category'          => 1,
		'recently_edited'                 => '',
		'template'                        => $template,
		'stylesheet'                      => $stylesheet,
		'comment_registration'            => 0,
		'html_type'                       => 'text/html',

		// 1.5.1
		'use_trackback'                   => 0,

		// 2.0.0
		'default_role'                    => 'subscriber',
		'db_version'                      => $wp_db_version,

		// 2.0.1
		'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders'   => 1,
		'upload_path'                     => '',

		// 2.1.0
		'blog_public'                     => '1',
		'default_link_category'           => 2,
		'show_on_front'                   => 'posts',

		// 2.2.0
		'tag_base'                        => '',

		// 2.5.0
		'show_avatars'                    => '1',
		'avatar_rating'                   => 'G',
		'upload_url_path'                 => '',
		'thumbnail_size_w'                => 150,
		'thumbnail_size_h'                => 150,
		'thumbnail_crop'                  => 1,
		'medium_size_w'                   => 300,
		'medium_size_h'                   => 300,

		// 2.6.0
		'avatar_default'                  => 'mystery',

		// 2.7.0
		'large_size_w'                    => 1024,
		'large_size_h'                    => 1024,
		'image_default_link_type'         => 'none',
		'image_default_size'              => '',
		'image_default_align'             => '',
		'close_comments_for_old_posts'    => 0,
		'close_comments_days_old'         => 14,
		'thread_comments'                 => 1,
		'thread_comments_depth'           => 5,
		'page_comments'                   => 0,
		'comments_per_page'               => 50,
		'default_comments_page'           => 'newest',
		'comment_order'                   => 'asc',
		'sticky_posts'                    => array(),
		'widget_categories'               => array(),
		'widget_text'                     => array(),
		'widget_rss'                      => array(),
		'uninstall_plugins'               => array(),

		// 2.8.0
		'timezone_string'                 => $timezone_string,

		// 3.0.0
		'page_for_posts'                  => 0,
		'page_on_front'                   => 0,

		// 3.1.0
		'default_post_format'             => 0,

		// 3.5.0
		'link_manager_enabled'            => 0,

		// 4.3.0
		'finished_splitting_shared_terms' => 1,
		'site_icon'                       => 0,

		// 4.4.0
		'medium_large_size_w'             => 768,
		'medium_large_size_h'             => 0,

		// 4.9.6
		'wp_page_for_privacy_policy'      => 0,

		// 4.9.8
		'show_comments_cookies_opt_in'    => 1,

		// 5.3.0
		'admin_email_lifespan'            => ( time() + 6 * MONTH_IN_SECONDS ),

		// 5.5.0
		'disallowed_keys'                 => '',
		'comment_previously_approved'     => 1,
		'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails' => array(),

		// 5.6.0
		'auto_update_core_dev'            => 'enabled',
		'auto_update_core_minor'          => 'enabled',
		// Default to enabled for new installs.
		// See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/51742.
		'auto_update_core_major'          => 'enabled',

		// 5.8.0
		'wp_force_deactivated_plugins'    => array(),

	// 3.3.0
	if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
		$defaults['initial_db_version'] = ! empty( $wp_current_db_version ) && $wp_current_db_version < $wp_db_version
			? $wp_current_db_version : $wp_db_version;

	// 3.0.0 multisite.
	if ( is_multisite() ) {
		$defaults['permalink_structure'] = '/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/';

	$options = wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults );

	// Set autoload to no for these options.
	$fat_options = array(

	$keys             = "'" . implode( "', '", array_keys( $options ) ) . "'";
	$existing_options = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name in ( $keys )" ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared

	$insert = '';

	foreach ( $options as $option => $value ) {
		if ( in_array( $option, $existing_options, true ) ) {

		if ( in_array( $option, $fat_options, true ) ) {
			$autoload = 'no';
		} else {
			$autoload = 'yes';

		if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
			$value = serialize( $value );

		if ( ! empty( $insert ) ) {
			$insert .= ', ';

		$insert .= $wpdb->prepare( '(%s, %s, %s)', $option, $value, $autoload );

	if ( ! empty( $insert ) ) {
		$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->options (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES " . $insert ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared

	// In case it is set, but blank, update "home".
	if ( ! __get_option( 'home' ) ) {
		update_option( 'home', $guessurl );

	// Delete unused options.
	$unusedoptions = array(
	foreach ( $unusedoptions as $option ) {
		delete_option( $option );

	// Delete obsolete magpie stuff.
	$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name REGEXP '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'" );

	// Clear expired transients.
	delete_expired_transients( true );


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