get_calendar ( $initial = true, $echo = true )
get_calendar: 此函数返回当前月份的文章日历: 该函数接受一组参数,指定要显示的日历类型(例如,有或没有文章链接),并返回表示日历的HTML字符串。
function get_calendar( $initial = true, $echo = true ) { global $wpdb, $m, $monthnum, $year, $wp_locale, $posts; $key = md5( $m . $monthnum . $year ); $cache = wp_cache_get( 'get_calendar', 'calendar' ); if ( $cache && is_array( $cache ) && isset( $cache[ $key ] ) ) { /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */ $output = apply_filters( 'get_calendar', $cache[ $key ] ); if ( $echo ) { echo $output; return; } return $output; } if ( ! is_array( $cache ) ) { $cache = array(); } // Quick check. If we have no posts at all, abort! if ( ! $posts ) { $gotsome = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT 1 as test FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish' LIMIT 1" ); if ( ! $gotsome ) { $cache[ $key ] = ''; wp_cache_set( 'get_calendar', $cache, 'calendar' ); return; } } if ( isset( $_GET['w'] ) ) { $w = (int) $_GET['w']; } // week_begins = 0 stands for Sunday. $week_begins = (int) get_option( 'start_of_week' ); // Let's figure out when we are. if ( ! empty( $monthnum ) && ! empty( $year ) ) { $thismonth = zeroise( (int) $monthnum, 2 ); $thisyear = (int) $year; } elseif ( ! empty( $w ) ) { // We need to get the month from MySQL. $thisyear = (int) substr( $m, 0, 4 ); // It seems MySQL's weeks disagree with PHP's. $d = ( ( $w - 1 ) * 7 ) + 6; $thismonth = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT DATE_FORMAT((DATE_ADD('{$thisyear}0101', INTERVAL $d DAY) ), '%m')" ); } elseif ( ! empty( $m ) ) { $thisyear = (int) substr( $m, 0, 4 ); if ( strlen( $m ) < 6 ) { $thismonth = '01'; } else { $thismonth = zeroise( (int) substr( $m, 4, 2 ), 2 ); } } else { $thisyear = current_time( 'Y' ); $thismonth = current_time( 'm' ); } $unixmonth = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear ); $last_day = gmdate( 't', $unixmonth ); // Get the next and previous month and year with at least one post. $previous = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT MONTH(post_date) AS month, YEAR(post_date) AS year FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_date < '$thisyear-$thismonth-01' AND post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 1" ); $next = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT MONTH(post_date) AS month, YEAR(post_date) AS year FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_date > '$thisyear-$thismonth-{$last_day} 23:59:59' AND post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY post_date ASC LIMIT 1" ); /* translators: Calendar caption: 1: Month name, 2: 4-digit year. */ $calendar_caption = _x( '%1$s %2$s', 'calendar caption' ); $calendar_output = '<table id="wp-calendar" class="wp-calendar-table"> <caption>' . sprintf( $calendar_caption, $wp_locale->get_month( $thismonth ), gmdate( 'Y', $unixmonth ) ) . '</caption> <thead> <tr>'; $myweek = array(); for ( $wdcount = 0; $wdcount <= 6; $wdcount++ ) { $myweek[] = $wp_locale->get_weekday( ( $wdcount + $week_begins ) % 7 ); } foreach ( $myweek as $wd ) { $day_name = $initial ? $wp_locale->get_weekday_initial( $wd ) : $wp_locale->get_weekday_abbrev( $wd ); $wd = esc_attr( $wd ); $calendar_output .= "ntt<th scope="col" title="$wd">$day_name</th>"; } $calendar_output .= ' </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr>'; $daywithpost = array(); // Get days with posts. $dayswithposts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT DISTINCT DAYOFMONTH(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_date >= '{$thisyear}-{$thismonth}-01 00:00:00' AND post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_date <= '{$thisyear}-{$thismonth}-{$last_day} 23:59:59'", ARRAY_N ); if ( $dayswithposts ) { foreach ( (array) $dayswithposts as $daywith ) { $daywithpost[] = (int) $daywith[0]; } } // See how much we should pad in the beginning. $pad = calendar_week_mod( gmdate( 'w', $unixmonth ) - $week_begins ); if ( 0 != $pad ) { $calendar_output .= "ntt" . '<td colspan="' . esc_attr( $pad ) . '" class="pad"> </td>'; } $newrow = false; $daysinmonth = (int) gmdate( 't', $unixmonth ); for ( $day = 1; $day <= $daysinmonth; ++$day ) { if ( isset( $newrow ) && $newrow ) { $calendar_output .= "nt</tr>nt<tr>ntt"; } $newrow = false; if ( current_time( 'j' ) == $day && current_time( 'm' ) == $thismonth && current_time( 'Y' ) == $thisyear ) { $calendar_output .= '<td id="today">'; } else { $calendar_output .= '<td>'; } if ( in_array( $day, $daywithpost, true ) ) { // Any posts today? $date_format = gmdate( _x( 'F j, Y', 'daily archives date format' ), strtotime( "{$thisyear}-{$thismonth}-{$day}" ) ); /* translators: Post calendar label. %s: Date. */ $label = sprintf( __( 'Posts published on %s' ), $date_format ); $calendar_output .= sprintf( '<a href="%s" aria-label="%s">%s</a>', get_day_link( $thisyear, $thismonth, $day ), esc_attr( $label ), $day ); } else { $calendar_output .= $day; } $calendar_output .= '</td>'; if ( 6 == calendar_week_mod( gmdate( 'w', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $day, $thisyear ) ) - $week_begins ) ) { $newrow = true; } } $pad = 7 - calendar_week_mod( gmdate( 'w', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $day, $thisyear ) ) - $week_begins ); if ( 0 != $pad && 7 != $pad ) { $calendar_output .= "ntt" . '<td class="pad" colspan="' . esc_attr( $pad ) . '"> </td>'; } $calendar_output .= "nt</tr>nt</tbody>"; $calendar_output .= "nt</table>"; $calendar_output .= '<nav aria-label="' . __( 'Previous and next months' ) . '" class="wp-calendar-nav">'; if ( $previous ) { $calendar_output .= "ntt" . '<span class="wp-calendar-nav-prev"><a href="' . get_month_link( $previous->year, $previous->month ) . '">« ' . $wp_locale->get_month_abbrev( $wp_locale->get_month( $previous->month ) ) . '</a></span>'; } else { $calendar_output .= "ntt" . '<span class="wp-calendar-nav-prev"> </span>'; } $calendar_output .= "ntt" . '<span class="pad"> </span>'; if ( $next ) { $calendar_output .= "ntt" . '<span class="wp-calendar-nav-next"><a href="' . get_month_link( $next->year, $next->month ) . '">' . $wp_locale->get_month_abbrev( $wp_locale->get_month( $next->month ) ) . ' »</a></span>'; } else { $calendar_output .= "ntt" . '<span class="wp-calendar-nav-next"> </span>'; } $calendar_output .= ' </nav>'; $cache[ $key ] = $calendar_output; wp_cache_set( 'get_calendar', $cache, 'calendar' ); if ( $echo ) { /** * Filters the HTML calendar output. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $calendar_output HTML output of the calendar. */ echo apply_filters( 'get_calendar', $calendar_output ); return; } /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */ return apply_filters( 'get_calendar', $calendar_output ); }
要使用` get_users
1. 使用` get_users
$users = get_users();
2. 您可以按需使用参数来过滤结果。例如,您可以通过角色、用户ID、用户登录名等过滤用户列表。以下是一个根据用户角色为过滤条件的示例:
$users = get_users( array( 'role' => 'subscriber' // 将角色名称替换为您要过滤的角色 ) );
在上述示例中,将` role
3. 您可以使用循环遍历获取的用户列表,并访问每个用户的属性。例如,以下示例将显示每个用户的用户名和电子邮件地址:
foreach( $users as $user ) { echo '用户名:' . $user->user_login . ', 电子邮件:' . $user->user_email . ; }
在上述示例中,通过` $user->user_login
`和` $user->user_email
请注意,` get_users
`函数默认返回所有用户,并可以根据需要使用更多参数进行过滤。您可以参阅WordPress官方文档中的` get_users
总结起来,使用` get_users
1. `WP_PLUGIN_DIR`:这是一个常量,用于定义插件的目录路径(文件系统路径)。您可以使用以下代码在插件文件中访问该常量:
$plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin-folder/';
2. `WP_PLUGIN_URL`:这是一个常量,用于定义插件的URL(用于在网页上访问插件文件)。以下是一个使用该常量的示例:
$plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/your-plugin-folder/';
请注意,`WP_PLUGIN_DIR`和`WP_PLUGIN_URL`常量在WordPress版本2.6之后引入。从WordPress 5.5版本开始,这两个常量被标记为过时(deprecated),因为WordPress更倾向于使用新的插件文件结构。如果您正在开发新插件,建议使用新的插件文件结构和相关函数。
- `plugin_dir_path()`:获取插件目录路径。
- `plugin_dir_url()`:获取插件URL。
$plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin-folder/'; $plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/your-plugin-folder/';
// 添加自定义功能示例 // 1. 创建自定义短代码 function custom_shortcode() { return '这是我的自定义短代码内容'; } add_shortcode('custom', 'custom_shortcode'); // 2. 自定义小工具 function custom_widget() { echo '这是我的自定义小工具内容'; } register_widget('custom_widget'); // 3. 自定义菜单 function custom_menu() { register_nav_menu('custom-menu', '自定义菜单'); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_menu'); // 4. 自定义页面模板 function custom_page_template() { /* Template Name: 自定义模板 */ // 自定义模板的内容和样式 }
使用 do_action
do_action( 'save_post', $post_ID, $post );
和 $post
使用 wp_get_current_user
$current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // 获取当前用户的ID $user_id = $current_user->ID; // 获取当前用户的用户名 $user_login = $current_user->user_login; // 获取当前用户的邮箱 $user_email = $current_user->user_email; // 获取当前用户的显示名称 $display_name = $current_user->display_name;